Horse energetic care, magnetism, sbk hypnosis, Saskia Bourakoff, Lausanne, Montreux, Suisse Romande,horse pathologies, horse pain, horse, horse stress
Horse energetic care, magnetism, sbk hypnosis, Saskia Bourakoff, Lausanne, Montreux, Suisse Romande,horse pathologies, horse pain, horse, horse stress

Energy care for horses

Magnetism is a gentle, natural and respectful treatment. Applied to horses, it can relieve certain pathologies, ease pain and reduce stress.

Examples of magnetism applications

  • Relieve occasional pain (lameness, tendonitis, laminitis) or chronic pain (osteoarthritis, backache, navicular, etc.).
  • Alleviate dermatological problems (scabies, sarcoid, dermatitis, etc.)
  • Reduce digestive, liver or pancreatic problems
  • Restore energy balance before or after a competition (prevent or release tension and stress)

No mechanical manipulation of the bone and/or joint structure will be performed (prerogative of the veterinarian or equine osteopath).

Care is provided in the presence of the owner and always in support of the veterinary diagnosis.

Examples of magnetism applications

  • Relieve occasional pain (lameness, tendonitis, laminitis) or chronic pain (osteoarthritis, backache, navicular, etc.).
  • Alleviate dermatological problems (scabies, sarcoid, dermatitis, etc.)
  • Reduce digestive, liver or pancreatic problems
  • Restore energy balance and relieve tension and stress

No mechanical manipulation of the bone and/or joint structure will be performed (prerogative of the veterinarian or equine osteopath).

Care is provided in the presence of the owner and always in support of the veterinary diagnosis.

Consultation procedure

For the treatment to be as effective as possible, the horse needs to be confident. A long period is therefore devoted to making contact, gently and calmly.

This is followed by a discussion with the owner and close observation of the animal, both still and in motion.

The treatment can then be carried out in the stall, in a riding arena or in the meadow among friends, if this reassures the horse.
The horse can react in many ways to what it feels during the treatment: chewing, dozing, kicking, snorting or rolling. This is the horse's contribution to energy rebalancing.

Often, as the treatment draws to a close, the horse feels the energy flowing smoothly and naturally decides to move away.


This is the standard procedure for a session. When working with horses, I take what they have to offer, adapting to their needs and availability. As a result, the session may unfold slightly differently, but always in the most beneficial way for the animal.