Addictions, sbk hypnosis, Saskia Bourakoff, Lausanne, Montreux, Suisse Romande, tobacco, food, sugar, social networks, alcohol, drugs, gambling
Addictions, sbk hypnosis, Saskia Bourakoff, Lausanne, Montreux, Suisse Romande, tobacco, food, sugar, social networks, alcohol, drugs, gambling


At some point in their lives, anyone can develop an addiction, whatever their origin, age, sex or background. It's not uncommon to be in denial about such a problem, or to feel guilt or shame. These are normal reactions, to which hypnosis provides appropriate responses, for each type of behavior.

Examples of issues addressed

  • Tobacco
  • Food
  • Sugar
  • Social networking
  • Alcohol & drugs
  • Game


Depending on the problem, between 3 and 5 sessions are usually enough to resolve it. Sessions can also include self-hypnosis techniques to reinforce the work done in the office.