Magnetism, sbk, Saskia Bourakoff, Lausanne, Montreux, Suisse Romande
Magnetism, sbk, Saskia Bourakoff, Lausanne, Montreux, Suisse Romande

The benefits of magnetism

Considered to be an alternative medicine, a natural energy-based healing practice, magnetism works alongside traditional medicine (never in place of it). Its action can support healing, relieve pain and tension, induce a state of relaxation and restore the body's energetic balance. Its beneficial effects are felt at physiological, emotional and mental levels.

Human energy care

Revitalize the body, balance vital energy, harmonize emotions, clarify consciousness.


Energy care for horses

Relieve, relax and help horses regain and maintain their physical balance.


Human energy care

Revitalize the body, balance vital energy, harmonize emotions, clarify consciousness.


Energy care for horses

Relieve, relax and help horses regain and maintain their physical balance.


Human energy care

Revitalize the body, balance vital energy, harmonize emotions, clarify consciousness.


Energy care for horses

Relieve, relax and help horses regain and maintain their physical balance.


Further information

Want to find out more about energy treatments in general? Here are some interesting links to consult:

Magnetism, sbk, Saskia Bourakoff, Lausanne, Montreux, Suisse Romande
Magnetism, sbk, Saskia Bourakoff, Lausanne, Montreux, Suisse Romande

Further information

Want to find out more about energy treatments in general? Here are some interesting links to consult: